Every Little Counts

We appreciate your interest in supporting The Lonestar Greys, a heritage group dedicated to preserving the legacy of Confederate Soldiers. Your generous donations will help us maintain the Confederate Cemetery, participate in grave dedications, and collect toys for underprivileged children during Christmas.

As a non-profit organization, we rely on donations from people like you to fund our efforts to honor our heritage and serve our community. Your contributions will help us in our mission to preserve Southern history and pass it on to future generations.

Your support means everything to us, and we thank you for considering a donation to The Lonestar Greys. Any amount, big or small, will make a significant impact in our efforts to preserve our history and serve our community. Together, we can ensure that the legacy of Confederate Soldiers and Southern history lives on for generations to come.

Volunteers worldwide
Active projects

12345 North Main Street
New York, NY 555555
